Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Uniform Report: is a form mandated by the Illinois Department of Human Services and produced from the DUI Services Reporting System (eDSRS).

What to expect:

It will take approximately two hours to conduct an interview and complete an objective test both of which focus on past and current substance use.    

What to Bring:

Court Purpose Driving Abstract dated within the last 30 days

Proof of Income

Officers Sworn Report, (or other document depending on where your DUI took place) which includes the date of arrest, time of arrest, and the results of a breathalyzer test or drug test

All of the information from the interview, court purpose driving abstract and objective test will be imputed into the eDSRS system in order to determine a level of care that will best serve the client’s needs. 

Level of Care:

Minimal Risk:

No prior conviction or court ordered supervision for DUI, no prior statutory summary suspensions, and no prior reckless driving conviction reduced from DUI; and a BAC of less than .15 as a result of the most current arrest for DUI; and no other symptoms of substance use disorder. 

Moderate Risk:

No prior conviction or court ordered supervisions for DUI no prior statutory summary suspension, and no prior reckless driving conviction reduced from DUI; and a BAC of .15 to .19 or a refusal of chemical testing as the result of the most current arrest for DUI; and no other symptoms of a substance use disorder

Significant Risk:

One prior conviction or court ordered supervision for DUI, or one prior statutory summary suspension, or one prior reckless driving conviction reduced from DUI and/or a BAC of .20 or higher as a result of the most current arrest for DUI and/or a substance use disorder

High Risk

Symptoms of a Moderate Substance Use Disorder (regardless of driving record) and/or within the 10-year period prior to the date of the most current (third or subsequent) arrest, any combination of two prior convictions or court ordered supervision for DUI, or prior statutory summary suspensions, or prior reckless driving convictions reduced from DUI, resulting from separate incidents.

  DUI Classes

Minimum Risk

10 hours of DUI Risk Education composed of 4 2.5-hour class sessions

Moderate Risk

Minimum of 10 hours of DUI Risk Education and minimum of 12 hours of early intervention over a minimum four weeks with no more than three hours per day in any seven consecutive days

Significant Risk

Minimum of DUI Risk Education

Minimum of 20 hours of substance use treatment

Active ongoing participation in all activities specified in the continuing care plan (Aftercare)

High Risk

Minimum of 75 hours of substance use treatment and active ongoing participation in all activities specified in the continue care plan (Aftercare)



Getting your license back after a revocation can seem like an overwhelming and daunting task but the team at Berrybrook Crisis Resolution can help simplify the process. Whether this is your first hearing with the Secretary of State, or you have been denied at a previous hearing let our team with over 10 years’ experience help you to navigate the process.

 It may seem easier to just keep driving without a valid license but trust us it will cause more problems and be more costly in the long run.