Service Fees
Alcohol and Drug Uniform Report
Updated Alcohol and Drug
Uniform Report
ASAM Assessment
DUI High Risk Treatment (75 hrs) $1350.00 (25 sessions)
DUI Significant Risk Treatment (10 hours of education 20 hours of treatment) $650.00 (11 sessions)
DUI Moderate Risk (10 hours of education 12 hours early intervention) $450.00 (8 sessions)
DUI Risk Education (10 hours) $200.00 (4 sessions)
DUI Continuing Care
$50.00 per session
Substance Use Treatment
$50.00 per session
Individual Anger Management $50.00 per session
Individual Parenting $50.00 per session
Individual Mental Health
$50.00 per session
DOT/SAP Alcohol and Drug
Hearing and Denial Letters for the Secretary of State
*price will depend on length of denial letter
Hearing Paperwork